EU4开发日志 | 7/5 哥特兰

EU4开发日志 | 7/5 哥特兰

牧游社 牧有汉化翻译Europa Universalis IV – Development Diary 5th of July 2022Ogele, Second LieutenantWelcome to our next Development Diary for Europa Universalis IV! The majority of the new content for the upcoming DLC has been revealed so far and all that is missing are two nations – one of them is an island nation which almost never sees the light of day.欢迎来到又一篇欧陆风云4开发日志!即将发售的DLC中大部分新内容已经展示过了,余下还有两个国家——其中一个是几乎永远不见天日的岛国。Prior to 1.34 Gotland was a province occupied by a rebel stack led by the Danish ex-king Eric of Pomerania. This has changed now and Gotland is selectable at the start of the game with Eric as its ruler.在1.34版本号以前,哥特兰在开局时被以丹麦前国王波美拉尼亚的埃里克为首的叛军占领。而现在在开局时玩家则可以选择以埃里克为统治者的哥特兰进行游玩。Originally a commercial center situated in the crossroads between the merchants of Russia and Germany, Visby has quite an interesting history during the century prior to the beginning of the game. Home to privateers such as the Victual Brothers and the bastion of a former Danish King, Gotland ended up being the guarantee of peace between the Teutonic Knights and the monarchs of Denmark. Coupled with a fresh new mission tree, its very own great project and unique new paths to explore, Gotland will offer a fascinating playthrough.坐落于俄罗斯和德意志之间的交通要道,原本作为商贸中心的维斯比在游戏开始前的一个世纪经历了有趣的历史。由于如粮食兄弟会等走私者与前丹麦国王均以此处为基地,因此哥特兰成为了条顿骑士和丹麦国王之间和平的压舱石。有了全新的任务树、独有的伟大工程和独特的探索路线,哥特兰将带来非凡的游戏体验。As Gotland was a member of the Hansa, the hideout of the ex-king Eric and a base of operation of Eric's piracy, the fate of Gotland is quite open-ended (though, in 99% of games Gotland will probably end up as territory of Denmark or Sweden as these two countries still have their core on Gotland).由于哥特兰同时是汉萨同盟的成员以及前国王埃里克的藏身处和海盗基地,因此其命运走向也十分多样(虽然在99%的情况下哥特兰都会被拥有核心的丹麦或瑞典占领)。The content for Gotland is intended to reflect the possibilities Gotland's history could have gone and as such when you start as Gotland you get the following event instantly:与哥特兰相关的内容被大大扩展以反映哥特兰可能的历史走向,因此当你选择哥特兰进入游戏时将会立刻触发以下事件:When you select the second choice you get a follow-up event:当选择第二项时你将触发以下事件:Of course the claims of Eric won't make much sense when he dies before pressing them against Denmark. If you select the monarchy path of your missions and Eric finds himself buried with the head first in the mudflat then you get an event which allows you to change your direction (this only triggers when you picked the monarchy missions though):当然如果埃里克在夺取丹麦之前去世,那么他的宣称权将失去意义。如果你选择了君主制道路并且埃里克早早辞世而去,则将触发一个事件来允许你改变走向(不过只有选择君主制任务才能触发):But what are these missions even about? Let's start taking a look at them, starting with the monarchy missions:说了这么多,具体都有什么任务呢?让我们一起来看一下,首先是君主制任务:As your goal is to become Denmark, the monarchy missions of Gotland are a little bit shorter, but will help you with your ambition.由于你的目标是成立丹麦,因此哥特兰的君主制任务有一点短,但足够帮助你实现野心。"Dynastic Relations" for example gives you 10k manpower per nation which has the same dynasty as you and has at least 100 opinion of you. As you start with the Gryf dynasty you can get 20k manpower rather easily from Stettin and Wolgast – if you manage to finish the mission before they annex each other.比如“王朝纽带”,每有一个与你为同一王朝且对你具有至少100好感度的国家,就会给予你10k人力。由于你开局时处于格里芬王朝的统治,因此你很容易就能从斯德丁和沃尔加斯特获得20k人力——如果你能在这两国统一之前完成任务的话。Meanwhile, "The Enemy of My Enemy" makes alliances with rivals or enemies of Denmark easier. The biggest supporter would be the HRE however. "The Emperor's Treasury" is mission which allows you to make a deal with the Emperor upon reaching 100 opinion of him:同时,任务“敌人的敌人”使得你更容易与丹麦的宿敌或敌人结盟。然而最强有力的支持者还是来自神圣罗马帝国。任务“皇帝的宝库”允许你在神罗皇帝对你达到100好感度后与其达成一笔交易:与皇帝的交易卡尔马联盟是北方的强大实体,需要足够的人力和资源才能将其击败。幸运的是,联盟也有着众多的敌人。其中一个便是神圣罗马帝国,荷尔施泰因公国的归属成为了皇帝与卡尔马联盟至高王之间最大的分歧点。神圣罗马帝国皇帝也许会有兴趣资助我们对丹麦的战争。- 希望皇帝能够慷慨解囊。- 我们不需要任何人的帮助。Naturally, this event triggers an interaction with the Emperor:随后皇帝会触发这个事件:哥特兰请求支持哥特兰的小公爵来信求助。他们希望在对卡尔马联盟的战争中获得财政支持,以期将真正的统治者重新扶上丹麦的王位。虽然支持哥特兰进攻丹麦看起来没有什么好处,但是神圣罗马帝国的合法领土荷尔施泰因公国目前仍在丹麦的手中。我们可以与哥特兰做一个交易,用财政支持换取归还公国的承诺。- 哥特兰可以用荷尔施泰因来换取帝国国库。【如果哥特兰同意这个条件并直接或间接统治了石勒苏益格与荷尔施泰因,他们便会收到帝国的最后通牒,要求将这些省份归还神圣罗马帝国。如果他们不履行承诺,则将导致奥地利与哥特兰之间的战争。当哥特兰同意了我们的条件后将发生以下效果:(哥特兰):哥特兰:获得500.00金币。哥特兰获得「帝国国库」直到1464年11月11日,给予以下效果:年度税收:+60.00陆军维护费修正:-10.0%海军维护费修正:-10.0%雇佣兵维护费:-25.0%顾问花费:-10.0%】- 哥特兰人看起来不值得信任……Of course you can accept or reject these conditions:当然你可以选择是否同意条件:与皇帝的交易我们收到了帝国皇帝的回信:奥地利将从帝国国库拨款支持我们。不过他们要求我们在战后将荷尔施泰因公国归还给帝国……- 公平的交易。【如果哥特兰同意这个条件并直接或间接统治了石勒苏益格与荷尔施泰因,他们便会收到帝国的最后通牒,要求将这些省份归还神圣罗马帝国。如果他们不履行承诺,则将导致奥地利与哥特兰之间的战争。当哥特兰同意了我们的条件后将发生以下效果:获得500.00金币。哥特兰获得「帝国国库」直到1464年11月11日,给予以下效果:年度税收:+60.00陆军维护费修正:-10.0%海军维护费修正:-10.0%雇佣兵维护费:-25.0%顾问花费:-10.0%】- 这个条件我们无法接受。Taking the help of the Emperor will have consequences. If you ever manage to get Holstein or Slesvig then you get confronted with an event which reminds you of your end of the deal:获得皇帝的支持是要付出代价的。在你得到荷尔施泰因或石勒苏益格后将触发一个事件来提醒你履行承诺:Of course you are free to ignore your promise, but this will result into a diplomatic escalation of the situation:当然你完全可以忘记当初的承诺,但这将导致外交事态的升级:荷尔施泰因局势哥特兰公国已经击败卡尔马联盟并夺取了斯堪的纳维亚。与此同时,他们也获得了荷尔施泰因公国的统治权。我们应该提醒哥特兰公爵,是帝国国库里的真金白银帮助他走到了今天,现在他们应该信守承诺了。- 确实。起草一份最后通牒,让埃里克七世归还公国。【我们将向哥特兰发送一份最后通牒,强迫他们释放荷尔施泰因公国。如果对方拒绝,则将被视为对神圣罗马帝国的入侵行为,并导致对哥特兰的防守战争。哥特兰对奥地利的好感度改变了-100。】Of course the event for the ultimatum has a proper title which is a homage to a different demand of German territory in history:而最后通牒的事件标题则向历史上另一次德国索取领土的行为致敬:As Eric was voted out by the nobles of Norway and Sweden it is only natural that you want to get on Norway and Sweden's good sides – either through diplomacy (they have 100 opinion of you) or through espionage (you have 50 spy network in their overlord).由于埃里克曾被挪威和瑞典的贵族推翻,因此这次你自然希望得到挪威和瑞典的支持——不论是通过外交方式(两国对你拥有100好感度)还是通过间谍行动(你对其宗主国拥有50点间谍网)。重获挪威效忠“是可忍孰不可忍!”这是挪威贵族的普遍态度。挪威的统治阶级越发厌恶丹麦的君主。他们怀念仍被埃里克国王统治的美好时代。哥特兰的外交官与间谍已经种下了由哥特兰国王统治挪威这一思想的种子。而出乎埃里克七世意料的是,这些种子已经结出果实,挪威的贵族们发起了对丹麦领主的公开反叛,甚至还有一些挪威平民加入了哥特兰的舰队以对抗丹麦的篡位者。- 我们永远欢迎挪威水手登船。获得2000水手。(挪威):挪威:获得+75.0%独立倾向。把哥特兰当作历史友邦把挪威当作历史友邦恢复瑞典忠诚尽管难度巨大,我们的外交官和间谍仍然成功地获得了瑞典贵族的支持。虽然恩格尔布雷克特起义在瑞典人的内心深处埋下了对独立的渴望,但幸运的是,瑞典的联盟派现在已转向支持哥特兰公爵埃里克七世成为瑞典的下一任国王。- 这真是好消息。(瑞典):获得+75.0%独立倾向。把哥特兰当作历史友邦把挪威当作历史友邦如果我们成为瑞典的宗主国,则瑞典将不再触发事件「瑞典的独立梦」。丹麦任务「瑞典贵族」将不需要完成事件链即可完成。The main focus of the monarchy missions is your war with Denmark. "War for the Crown" which is doable after getting any kind of cb against Denmark will give you a restoration of Personal Union casus belli against Denmark as well as 10% Land and Naval Morale for 25 years.君主制任务主要关于对丹麦发动战争。任务“王位战争”需要获得对丹麦的任意战争借口才能完成,完成时将给予你针对丹麦的重建联合统治战争借口,以及在25年内增加10%的陆军与海军士气。"Take over Sjaelland" which can be achieved by occupying the capital of Denmark (in this case it is Sjaelland) will trigger the following event:任务“夺取西兰”可通过占领丹麦首都(图中丹麦首都为西兰)来完成,完成时将触发以下事件:占领西兰丹麦王国的首都已经陷落!尽管丹麦军队作出了英勇的抵抗,但他们最终仍无法阻止哥特兰的军队。丹麦各附属国的贵族们逐渐开始质疑现在的卡尔马联盟。拥立一个新国王的呼声越来越高!- 真正的统治者回来了!【失去10.00厌战度。获得2稳定度。瑞典:获得+30.0%独立倾向。挪威:获得+30.0%独立倾向。荷尔施泰因:获得+30.0%独立倾向。】If you manage to get 50 War Score against Denmark, control the Danish capital and be at war with Denmark for 3 years you can complete the mission "Execute the Wrong King" which will end the war immediately in your favor:如果你在与丹麦的战争中取得50分以上分数,控制丹麦首都且使战争持续3年以上,你将完成任务“处决伪王”并直接取得战争的胜利:处死克里斯托弗三世埃里克七世走过哥本哈根的残垣断壁。久遭兵燹,这座城市伤痕累累。哥特兰军队在突袭中俘虏了非法的“至高王”,并把他带到埃里克七世——卡尔马联合王位的合法拥有者面前。埃里克七世的士兵们在市中心置办了一块石案,把“至高王”羞辱地按倒于此。刽子手挥舞起手中的斧子,引颈受戮的克里斯托弗三世没有留下任何遗言。篡位者的脑袋滚向埃里克七世,大功告成,埃里克心满意足。- 斯人已逝,王座物归原主。【与丹麦无条件和平建立对丹麦的联合统治丹麦:失去2点稳定,对哥特兰点好感-100失去100%独立倾向,并获得修正“丹麦投降”直到1462年,给予效果为失去100%独立倾向哥特兰点政府等级提升为王国获得100点威望】Of course these missions are all completable if you manage to win the war against Denmark on your own and get them under a personal union before. In that case the events will not fire, but their rewards are given directly by the missions themselves.当然你也可以靠亲手打败丹麦或建立联合统治的方式完成这些任务,如此一来这些事件不会被触发,但是其回报会作为任务奖励直接给予玩家。Also, if Norway or Sweden are independent then you gain a PU cb against either of them in this event.同时,如果挪威或者瑞典处于独立状态,你还会在这一事件中获得对他们的重建联统宣战理由。As soon you have the Kalmar Union under your control you can complete the mission "Back in Control" and get the following event:一旦你重新统御卡尔马联盟,你可以完成任务“重掌大权”并触发以下事件:From this point forward you are then playing as Denmark, though with a slightly easier time with Sweden.从这以后玩家扮演的国家就成了丹麦,不过这个丹麦在处理同瑞典关系时将更加轻松。But not everybody wants to play "Denmark with extra steps" and so you can choose to become a republic instead.然而并非每个人都想如此南辕北辙地扮演丹麦,所以玩家也可以选择另一条道路:成为共和国。Your mission tree is tailored to become the dominant trade power of the Baltic Sea, rivaling the likes of Lübeck or Riga.为你量身定做的任务树聚焦于成为波罗的海贸易的支配者,与吕贝克、里加这样的同侪们竞争。As it has become a little bit of an unofficial tradition for this DLC, so does Gotland too have a way to join the HRE with the "Imperial Protection" mission. The claims of the mission tree are few and mostly focused on the Baltic coast of Germany as well as the lands of Denmark and Novgorod.鉴于转进神罗已经成了本次DLC更新的不成文传统,哥特兰也将通过任务“帝国庇荫”获得被纳入帝国的机会。这条任务树给予的领土宣称并不多,局限于波罗的海沿岸的德意志地区、丹麦群岛以及诺夫哥罗德。Real highlights of this mission tree are +25% Permanent Ship Trade Power from the mission "Compete with the Hansa", as well as +25 Trade Power in the English Channel until the end of the campaign from "Channel's Trade".它真正的亮点在于永久加成,完成“与汉萨同盟竞争”后可以得到25%船只贸易力量加成,而完成“英吉利海峡贸易”将提供该节点的25点贸易力量加成(译注:原文如此,或许原意是25%,因为25点贸易竞争力在海峡节点实在微不足道)。"Gutnish Trade Fleet", "Strong Mercantilism" and "Gotland's Trade Empire" have dynamic rewards which depend on which faction is currently at power:“哥特兰贸易舰队”、“加强重商主义”以及“哥特兰贸易帝国”将提供动态的任务奖励,取决于国内哪个派系正在掌权。加强重商主义由于贵族派系掌权,产生如下效果:哥特兰获得修正“贵族焦点”持续25年科技升级花费-10%船只耐久度+10%贵族派系影响力变化+0.1如果商人派系掌权,产生如下效果:哥特兰获得修正“商人治国”持续25年顾问花费-25%提升重商主义花费-25%商人派系影响力变化+0.1如果行会派系掌权,产生如下效果:哥特兰获得修正“行会统治”持续25年年度共和传统+0.5商品产出+10%行会派系影响力变化+0.1"Gotland's Trade Empire" has of course the most impactful reward of all three of them:“哥特兰贸易帝国”的回报自然是三个任务中最为丰厚的:哥特兰贸易帝国由于贵族派系掌权,产生如下效果:哥特兰获得修正“贵族侧重军事”直到游戏结束训练度+5%船只耐久度+10%贵族派系影响力变化+0.1如果商人派系掌权,产生如下效果:哥特兰获得修正“商人侧重贸易”直到游戏结束贸易效率+25%全局贸易力量+25%商人派系影响力变化+0.1如果行会派系掌权,产生如下效果:哥特兰获得修正“行会侧重行政”直到游戏结束发展度提升花费-15%年度共和传统+0.5行会派系影响力变化+0.1解锁决议,允许哥特兰在三种永久加成中切换采纳行会的关注焦点失去1稳定度哥特兰失去“贵族侧重军事”,获得修正“行会侧重行政”直到游戏结束But what if you don't want to make your ducats the honest way through trade and commercial? What if you want to embrace the historical roleplay of Eric, the king who became a pirate? For that there is the last and biggest mission tree of Gotland which explores this path.但是如果你并不想老老实实地通过贸易赚钱,而是追随历史上埃里克的脚步,从国王落草为寇成为海盗头子呢?哥特兰最后一种、也是最为精彩的任务树将带你踏上海盗之旅。The Gotland AI will always take the Pirate missions as historically Eric of Pomerania was living the pirate life on Gotland until he eventually died.AI哥特兰总是会选择海盗路线,一如历史上波美尼亚的埃里克至死都在哥特兰岛上当着他的海盗头子。The pirate missions are divided into three greater branches and some miscellaneous missions which are adopted from the generic Pirate missions and slightly adjusted for the North Sea.海盗路线任务树大体分为三条支线,此外还有一些从通用海盗任务移植来的零散任务,不过由于北海区域的地理位置,它们略有调整。Starting from the left to right, the missions starting with "Gotlander Pirate Fleet" are your conquest and exploration missions, handling Denmark and, of course, the Caribbean. When you complete the mission "Pirates of the Caribbean" you get the option to move your capital in to the new world through an event:我们从左向右来说,“哥特兰海盗舰队”及其后续任务聚焦征服与探索,目标指向丹麦以及加勒比。当你完成“加勒比海盗”任务后将触发如下事件,以便将首都迁至新大陆。阳光下的地盘?哥特兰岛是我们伟业的伊始之地,也是许多弟兄们心中的故乡。但只有傻子才会坚持那里的气候优于热带的加勒比群岛。那些呼吁我们应该把主港迁移到加勒比的人已经提供了各式各样的理由。当然,为此我们还需想办法对加勒比殖民地建立起直接统治,不过考虑到劫掠那里的珍宝船队将变得更加容易,这点代价实在算不上什么。- 我已经受够了斯堪的纳维亚的破天气,转进加勒比!【继承古巴;哈瓦那成为新首都;】- 省省吧,我们不应该抛弃哥特兰的快乐老家。Meanwhile, the mission "The Worst Pirate" gives the following rewards if you own or have a subject own Tortuga:同时,如果你或你的附属国拥有托尔图加岛,完成任务“海盗魔头”将给予你如下奖励:哥特兰获得修正“口吐芬芳”直到游戏结束陆军士气+10%海军士气+10%从外交羞辱中获得的力量投射+100%托尔图加获得等级为2的贸易中心奇观“托尔图加岛”等级提升2级The missions branching from "Reach the Mediterranean" are all about raiding and looting certain places of importance such as Rome and its Curia coffers, or Venice and its arsenal. "Pirate versus Berber" on the other hand is more of a mission for all those who played in the Mediterranean and had to suffer under the Berbers.“地中海出海口”与后续任务聚焦劫掠地中海沿岸的重要目标,比如罗马以及圣座宝库,或是威尼斯及其军械库。“柏柏尔人的对手”则会让那些游玩地中海沿岸国家而饱受柏柏尔海盗之苦的玩家感到非常受用。Each one of these three missions rewards you with an unique event which is of narrative nature. But they also contain strong rewards which are fitting to the text. Here is the event "The Raid of the Venetian Arsenal" which is the reward of the mission "Raid the Arsenal":这三项任务都会触发以讲故事方式呈现的独特事件,并提供与其内容相关的强力回报。比如下面是完成“劫掠威尼斯军械库”任务后触发的事件:I will come back to the "Legendary Pirate" personality later.后面我会详细介绍“传奇海盗”这一新君主特质。"Terror of the Baltics" and the followup missions are about, well, raiding the Baltic Sea, but also "liberating" Lübeck, Danzig and Riga from their owners and incorporating them into your pirate republic. Each mission gives their respective city the following reward:“波罗的海煞星”和后续任务聚焦于劫掠波罗的海沿岸以及从原主人手中“解放”吕贝克、但泽、里加,并把它们纳入你的海盗共和国。每个任务都会给相应城市带来如下加成:获得3点重商主义里加:贸易中心等级提升1级获得“自由的海盗港”直到游戏结束本地叛乱度-5本地后备人力+100%本地后备水手+100%本地船只维修速度+100%"The Pirate Haven" is the finisher of these missions and is completed when you own at least 10 provinces which are either centers of trade or have a river estuary. Finishing it gives you a reward which mirrors the Merchant Republic dynamic mission reward:“海盗避风港”为这一系列的任务画上句号,为此你需要控制至少10个贸易中心省份或河流入海口。完成后你将会获得商业共和国支线里那样的动态任务奖励:由于海盗派系掌权,产生如下效果:哥特兰获得修正“采纳海盗的关注焦点”直到游戏结束全局叛乱-2年度共和传统+0.5海盗派系影响力变化+0.2如果走私者派系掌权,产生如下效果:哥特兰获得修正“采纳走私者的关注焦点”直到游戏结束贸易效率+15%私掠效率+25%走私者派系影响力变化+0.2如果船长派系掌权,产生如下效果:哥特兰获得修正“采纳船长的关注焦点”直到游戏结束海军士气+10%训练度+5%船长派系影响力变化+0.2解锁决议,允许哥特兰在三种永久加成中切换Finally a few words for the remaining missions:最后说一下其余的任务:"A Pirate Federation" works exactly like the generic pirate mission. "Global Piracy" requires you to privateer in at least 10 different trade nodes of the world and gives you extra privateer efficiency of 33% until the end of the game. "Scourge of the North Sea" requires you to privateer in the North Sea and the English Channel while "Loot London" and "Loot the Low Countries" are rather self-explanatory. All of these missions reward you with good chunks of money.“海盗联邦”跟一般的海盗任务差不多。“劫掠全球”要求你在世界上至少劫掠过10个不同的贸易点,这会给你带来33%的额外私掠效率,一直持续到游戏结束。“北海之苦”则要求你在北海和英吉利海峡大行劫掠。至于“掠夺伦敦”和“掠夺低地”,顾名思义,就不解释了。这里所有的任务都会给你带来大笔的金钱。"Renowned Pirate King" is a special version of the "Renowned Buccaneer" mission of the generic Pirate mission. But it is worth mentioning that both missions have received an additional bonus in its reward:“海贼王的威名”是通用海盗任务中“著名西印度海盗”任务的特别版。但值得一提的是,完成这两个任务,都会得到额外的奖励。赢得对发展度比新普罗维登斯高的国家的战争,有5%的几率给我们的船长赋予“传奇海盗”的特质。重新选举传奇海盗不需要花费共和传统。新普罗维登斯获得“强大的海盗”,持续20年,给予以下效果:国家税收修正+10%士气+10%The "Legendary Pirate" is a new ruler personality which can be gained through either mission rewards – as it was the case in Gotland's mission tree – or by winning against an enemy who is above your own weight. Also, all historical pirates have the "Legendary Pirate" personality.“传奇海盗”是一个新的统治者特质,可以通用两种方式获得。一是任务奖励,就像哥特兰的任务树一样;一是打败比你更强大的对手。所有历史中的海盗都自带“传奇海盗”的特质。传奇海盗年度海军传统衰减:-1.0%海军将领冲击:+2私掠效率:+25.0%It goes without saying that the Legendary Pirate is part of the free update and not locked behind the newest DLC.这不用说啦,传奇海盗不是最新 DLC 的限定内容,而是可以在免费更新中获得。Speaking of free content: monarchies and republics received new government reforms, and so did the Pirate Republics some new reforms to play with too! I will list the tiers where a new reform has been added or an old Pirate reform has been adjusted and will highlight them.说说免费内容:君主国和共和国将迎来新的政府改革,海盗共和国也不例外。下面,我就把新添加的改革列在下面,那些旧的海盗改革的调整内容也标注了出来(翻译详略)。Tier 2:第 2 级:Tier 4 (they are all new):第 4级(它们全是新的):Tier 7 (they are all new):第 7 级(它们全是新的):Tier 8:第 8 级:Tier 10 (the first three are generic Republican reforms, hence their theme is not quite fitting for Pirates):第 10 级(前三个是通用的共和国改革,所以他们的主题不大适用于海盗):Tier 11 (the first three are generic Republican reforms, hence their theme is not quite fitting for Pirates):第 11 级(前三个是通用的共和国改革,所以他们的主题不大适用于海盗):Tier 12:第 12 级:Next to the pirate government reforms we also have added some new naval doctrines. In the development diary for Denmark we presented you some of the new naval doctrines and you gave us ideas for new additions of naval doctrines. While not all were able to make the cut for 1.34, some of your suggestions have been implemented!在海盗政府改革之外,我们还增加了一些新的海军学说。在丹麦的开发日志里,我们已经介绍了一些海军学说,并收到了来自大家的想法和建议。虽然在 1.34 版本号中,我们没办法实现所有的新点子,但其中的一些提议已经加进去了。It goes without saying that the icons for the Naval Doctrines are placeholder.不用说,海军学说的图标是占位符。Last but not least we also did some balance changes regarding the navy to make them (and their ideas) a little bit more impactful.最后,我们对海军做了一些平衡性的调整,好让他们(以及他们的理念)更具影响力。Blockaded provinces now receive +0.25 Monthly Devastation and -50% Local Trade Power additionally to the +20% Local Ship and Regiment recruitment time. Additionally, blockading a country's ports not only increases +0.10 Monthly War Exhaustion but also -75% Global Trade Power and -75% Trade Steering, scaled by proportion of (core, state) development blockades.被封锁的省份,除了遭受到+0.25的每月荒废度,以及 -50%的本地贸易力量减损之外,还会增加+20% 的地方船只和军团的招募时间。此外,封锁一个国家的港口,不仅会增加+0.10的每月厌战度,同时也会减少-75%的全球贸易力量和-75%的贸易引导,具体由(核心、地区的)发展度封锁的比例来度量。1.33 buffed the Maritime Ideas and Naval ideas and while we are happy with Maritime ideas for now, the Naval ideas are still lackluster in their usage. They do their purpose which is buffing the navy, but due to how EU4 works naval battles are rarely of big concern and as such the Naval Ideas have a too high opportunity cost.So we have decided to give a secondary role to Naval ideas which is rewarding your land conflict if you have naval dominance by giving the fourth idea "Naval Glory" +1 Blockade Impact on Siege additionally to the Yearly Navy Tradition.The +10% Ship Durability has been moved from the bonus of the ideas group to the sixth idea, "Oak Forests for Ships" (the +20% Heavy Ship Combat Ability remains) while the bonus now has -100% Naval Barrage cost next to the +15% Ship Disengagement Chance.The Naval/Maritime policy "The Naval Supremacy Act" now gives +1 Blockade Impact on Siege instead of +50% Privateer Efficiency. The +50% Blockade Efficiency remains unaffected here.在增强了海事理念和海军理念之后,我们对海事理念已经很满意了,但海军理念用起来还是有点儿乏味。它们的目的是增强海军,可由于在 EU4 的游戏机制中,海战不是重点,那些海军理念执行起来的机会成本就太高了。所以,我们决定赋予海军理念一个次要作用,即如果你拥有海军优势,那么它将在陆战中给你额外奖励——除了年度海军传统之外,再给予第四个理念“海军荣耀”:在围攻中+1 的封锁影响力。+10%的船只耐久度,从理念组的闭门奖励移至了第六个理念“舰船的橡树林”(+20% 的重型船只作战能力保留了下来),如今的奖励是减少-100%的海军拦截费用,以及增加+15%的船只撤退机会。海军/海事政策“海军至高无上法令”,将在围攻中给予+1的封锁影响,用以替代+50% 的私掠效率,但+50%的封锁效率仍然保留。Finally one quick Quality of Life addition to the game:最后在游戏中简单增加了个基础游戏质量改进:That was it for today! Next week @PDX Big Boss will present the final country which receives content from this DLC. Little hint: it is NOT a nation you can select when you start the game.今天就到这里了。下一周,大老板 @PDX 将介绍最后一个该 DLC包含 的国家。一个小提示:在游戏开始的时候,这个国家是不能选的。With that being said I wish you all a nice week!说到这里,祝大家都有愉快的一周!翻译:李勋回来了 大马士革的羊 许仙人校对:113322qwe1 三等文官猹中堂欢迎关注UP主和主播小牧Phenix!欢迎关注牧游社微信公众号和知乎专栏!微信公众号改版为信息流,欢迎【置顶订阅】不迷路,即时获得推送消息!B站在关注分组中设置为【特别关注】,将会在私信内及时收到视频和专栏投稿的推送!欢迎加入牧有汉化,致力于为玩家社群提供优质内容!组员急切募集中!测试群组822400145!   本作品英文原文著作权属Paradox interactive AB所有,中文译文著作权属牧有汉化所有。


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