

  区块链技术是实现Web3.0的核心前提:区块链技术是一种高级数据库机制,允许在企业网络中透明地共享信息。区块链通过链式记账法,将数据存储在链式记账中,数据库则连接到一个链条中。由于数据在链条的时间上是一致的,因此无法删除或者修改,具有一致性。  区块链特点:1、去中心化:将控制权从中心实体转让给分布式网络;2、不可变性:任何参与者不得篡改交易;3、共识:有且只有参与者就交易达成共识,才能记录新交易。  区块链工作机制:1、记录交易➡2、达成共识➡3、区块链串联➡4、共享记账。  区块链核心组件:1、共识机制(智能合约)、2、密码学(公匙加密等)、3、分布式网络包括分布式存储和分布式数据库等。  The Technical System of the Metaverse  The metaverse is an integration of multiple technologies.  One is human-computer interaction technology.This is one of the most core key technologies in the metaverse,mainly including VR virtual reality technology,AR augmented reality technology,MR hybrid reality technology,holographic imaging technology,brain computer interaction technology,and somatosensory technology,providing users of the metaverse with a virtual immersive reality experience ladder and continuously deepening perceptual interaction.Immersive interactive devices provide players with a realistic,long-lasting,and smooth interaction experience into the metaverse,serving as a bridge between the real world and the metaverse.The implementation of immersion relies on a terminal device interface.AR/VR/MR with 3D display,large viewing angle,and high resolution is expected to become an important access method for the metaverse world.  The second is blockchain and NFT(digital credential)technology.Blockchain technology and NFT(digital credential)technology are important supports for the metaverse economic system.Blockchain is a distributed shared ledger and database,characterized by decentralization,tamper resistance,full traceability,collective maintenance,and transparency.Based on the above characteristics,blockchain is used to realize point-to-point financial transactions,digital rights management confirmation,and improve the efficiency of supply chain management.Blockchain will act as a bridge between the virtual world and the real world,providing a decentralized clearing platform and value transmission mechanism.The NFT token clearly indicates the ownership of each virtual item,and its biggest feature is uniqueness,which is an indivisible and unique digital credential.NFT can be mapped to specific assets(including digital assets such as game skins,equipment,virtual parcels,and even physical assets).  The third is artificial intelligence technology.Provide technical support for a large number of application scenarios in the metaverse,such as digitizing real-world images through computer vision,providing a visual representation of the metaverse that combines virtual and real worlds;Provide technical support through machine learning for all systems and characters in the metaverse to reach or exceed human learning levels,and improve the operational efficiency and intelligence of the metaverse;Through intelligent voice and natural language processing technology,provide accurate communication and understanding between the subject and object of the metauniverse.  The fourth is cloud computing and network technology.The value of digital space lies in the real-time interaction with physical space,which places higher demands on communication and computing capabilities.5G/6G technology provides high-speed,low latency,and large-scale access to the metaverse,providing a more real-time and smooth experience for metaverse users;The metaverse has put forward new requirements for high computing power and low latency.Cloud computing can provide more powerful and lightweight terminal devices by providing fast innovation,flexible hardware,and economies of scale.  The fifth is the Internet of Things technology.Provide reliable technical support for the connection and coexistence of virtual and real things in the metaverse.The network layer and perception layer provide technical support for the metaverse to perceive the signals of all things in the physical world;The application layer links and orderly manages all things in the metaverse,which is the most important support for the coexistence of virtual and real.The chip industry is the"foundation"of the metaverse digital world,and all metaverse devices carried on it need to be based on chips,including all data processing devices that also rely on chips and processors.  The sixth is digital twin technology.The reconstruction of the physical world in the digital world requires various software tools and development platforms,including 3D modeling,simulation optimization,real-time rendering,and other technologies.  The metaverse will stimulate a new round of breakthroughs in digital technology and industry.The application of the metaverse in social,gaming,shopping,medical,industrial,logistics and other scenarios will activate breakthroughs in core technologies and continuous innovation,which will breed significant industrial opportunities.Metauniverse is the epitome of cutting-edge science and technology.The new demand will stimulate technological breakthroughs in chips,digital twins,XR,brain computer interaction,holographic images,AI and blockchain,and will also bring technological and industrial development including new generation mobile communications,the Internet of Things,cloud computing,edge computing and other technologies.


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