区块链开发入门 创建一个简单的Dapp

区块链开发入门 创建一个简单的Dapp

创建一个简单的 Dapp






MetaMask扩展 (打开新窗口)下载。下载并安装Node.js(打开新窗口)克隆/下载项目文件 (打开新窗口)来自 GitHub。您最喜欢的文本编辑器或 IDE 已安装。我个人喜欢Visual Studio Code(打开新窗口)


打开项目文件夹。导航到start-> index.html,然后查看说明第 1 部分的评论。这是简单 Dapp 的 UI,其中包含所有布局和按钮,可帮助我们学习连接到 MetaMask 扩展的基础知识。我们将在教程的第一部分使用/构建整个部分。



. ├─ index.html ├─ contract.js ├─ metamask.css ├─ package.json └─ README.md



yarn install



yarn run serve



现在让我们导航到 start 文件夹中的 contract.js 文件。

您的文件应该看起来像这样。不要担心第 1-31 行。

const forwarderOrigin = http://localhost:9010; const initialize = () => { //You will start here }; window.addEventListener(DOMContentLoaded, initialize);

一旦加载了 DOM 中的内容,我们就会调用我们的初始化函数。现在,在我们开始编写任何代码之前,让我们先看看这个应用程序第一部分的任务列表。


连接到 MetaMask 钱包查看我们的 eth_accounts 结果显示我们的网络号显示我们的 ChainId显示我们的账户

#连接到 MetaMask 钱包

我们在 Dapp 中需要做的第一件事是连接到我们的 MetaMask 钱包。

我们需要创建一个函数来查看是否安装了 MetaMask Chrome 扩展如果未安装 MetaMask,我们:改变我们connectButton的Click here to install MetaMask单击该按钮时,它应该将我们带到一个允许我们安装扩展程序的页面禁用按钮如果安装了 MetaMask,我们:改变我们connectButton的Connect单击该按钮时,它应该允许我们连接到我们的 MetaMask 钱包禁用按钮


#MetaMask 扩展检查

在我们的代码中,我们需要从 index.html 连接到我们的按钮

const initialize = () => { //Basic Actions Section const onboardButton = document.getElementById(connectButton); };

接下来我们创建一个检查函数isMetaMaskInstalled来查看是否安装了 MetaMask 扩展

const initialize = () => { //Basic Actions Section const onboardButton = document.getElementById(connectButton); //Created check function to see if the MetaMask extension is installed const isMetaMaskInstalled = () => { //Have to check the ethereum binding on the window object to see if its installed const { ethereum } = window; return Boolean(ethereum && ethereum.isMetaMask); }; };

接下来我们需要创建一个MetaMaskClientCheck函数来查看是否需要根据是否安装了 MetaMask 扩展来更改按钮文本。

const initialize = () => { //Basic Actions Section const onboardButton = document.getElementById(connectButton); //Created check function to see if the MetaMask extension is installed const isMetaMaskInstalled = () => { //Have to check the ethereum binding on the window object to see if its installed const { ethereum } = window; return Boolean(ethereum && ethereum.isMetaMask); }; //——Inserted Code——\\ const MetaMaskClientCheck = () => { //Now we check to see if MetaMask is installed if (!isMetaMaskInstalled()) { //If it isnt installed we ask the user to click to install it onboardButton.innerText = Click here to install MetaMask!; } else { //If it is installed we change our button text onboardButton.innerText = Connect; } }; MetaMaskClientCheck(); //——/Inserted Code——\\ };

#MetaMask “未安装” Dapp 流程

在我们没有安装 MetaMask 并且我们要求用户安装的代码块中Click here to install MetaMask!,我们需要确保如果我们的按钮被点击,我们:


const MetaMaskClientCheck = () => { //Now we check to see if Metmask is installed if (!isMetaMaskInstalled()) { //If it isnt installed we ask the user to click to install it onboardButton.innerText = Click here to install MetaMask!; //When the button is clicked we call this function onboardButton.onclick = onClickInstall; //The button is now disabled onboardButton.disabled = false; } else { //If it is installed we change our button text onboardButton.innerText = Connect; } }; MetaMaskClientCheck();



对于这一部分,我们将使用我们在 npm 安装期间安装的“@metamask/onboarding”库。要了解更多信息,请访问这里(打开新窗口)


将按钮的文本更改为Onboarding in progress禁用按钮开始入职流程


//We create a new MetaMask onboarding object to use in our app const onboarding = new MetaMaskOnboarding({ forwarderOrigin }); //This will start the onboarding proccess const onClickInstall = () => { onboardButton.innerText = Onboarding in progress; onboardButton.disabled = true; //On this object we have startOnboarding which will start the onboarding process for our end user onboarding.startOnboarding(); };

伟大的!现在,如果我们的最终用户没有 MetaMask 扩展,他们可以安装它。当他们刷新页面时,以太坊窗口对象将在那里,我们可以继续将他们的 MetaMask 钱包连接到我们的 Dapp!

#MetaMask “已安装” Dapp 流程

接下来,我们需要重新访问我们的MetaMaskClientCheck函数并创建我们在“MetaMask Is Installed”代码块中的“MetaMask Not Installed”块中所做的类似功能。

const MetaMaskClientCheck = () => { //Now we check to see if Metmask is installed if (!isMetaMaskInstalled()) { //If it isnt installed we ask the user to click to install it onboardButton.innerText = Click here to install MetaMask!; //When the button is clicked we call th is function onboardButton.onclick = onClickInstall; //The button is now disabled onboardButton.disabled = true; } else { //If MetaMask is installed we ask the user to connect to their wallet onboardButton.innerText = Connect; //When the button is clicked we call this function to connect the users MetaMask Wallet onboardButton.onclick = onClickConnect; //The button is now enabled onboardButton.disabled = false; } }; MetaMaskClientCheck();



创建一个将尝试调用“eth_requestAccounts”RPC 方法的异步函数捕获任何错误并将它们记录到控制台


const onClickConnect = async () => { try { // Will open the MetaMask UI // You should disable this button while the request is pending! await ethereum.request({ method: eth_requestAccounts }); } catch (error) { console.error(error); } };

伟大的!现在,一旦您单击按钮,MetaMask 扩展程序将弹出并连接您的钱包。


在此之后,我们接下来要做的是每当我们按下eth_accounts按钮时,我们想要获取我们的以太坊帐户并显示它。用以下三个按钮替换函数const onboardButton顶部的现有按钮:initialize()

//Basic Actions Section const onboardButton = document.getElementById(connectButton); const getAccountsButton = document.getElementById(getAccounts); const getAccountsResult = document.getElementById(getAccountsResult);

现在我们已经抓住了我们的 eth_accounts 按钮和我们的段落字段来显示它,我们现在必须抓取数据。


//Eth_Accounts-getAccountsButton getAccountsButton.addEventListener(click, async () => { //we use eth_accounts because it returns a list of addresses owned by us. const accounts = await ethereum.request({ method: eth_accounts }); //We take the first address in the array of addresses and display it getAccountsResult.innerHTML = accounts[0] || Not able to get accounts; });

如果您已经在本教程的上一节中连接到您的钱包,您可以进入 MetaMask 的“已连接站点”菜单并删除 localhost 连接。这将使我们能够再次测试这两个按钮。如果我们刷新页面,然后单击“ETH_ACCOUNTS”按钮,我们应该会看到eth_accounts result: Not able to get accounts.

让我们继续,再次按下“连接”按钮,并确认“使用 MetaMask 连接”提示和“连接”。现在我们可以再次点击“ETH_ACCOUNTS”按钮,我们应该可以看到我们的 MetaMask 账户公共地址。


我们刚刚完成了基本操作功能的构建。您知道如何连接到 MetaMask、查看您连接的应用程序并删除它们,以及检索帐户。



const forwarderOrigin = http://localhost:9010; const initialize = () => { //Basic Actions Section const onboardButton = document.getElementById(connectButton); const getAccountsButton = document.getElementById(getAccounts); const getAccountsResult = document.getElementById(getAccountsResult); //Created check function to see if the MetaMask extension is installed const isMetaMaskInstalled = () => { //Have to check the ethereum binding on the window object to see if its installed const { ethereum } = window; return Boolean(ethereum && ethereum.isMetaMask); }; //We create a new MetaMask onboarding object to use in our app const onboarding = new MetaMaskOnboarding({ forwarderOrigin }); //This will start the onboarding proccess const onClickInstall = () => { onboardButton.innerText = Onboarding in progress; onboardButton.disabled = true; //On this object we have startOnboarding which will start the onboarding process for our end user onboarding.startOnboarding(); }; const onClickConnect = async () => { try { // Will open the MetaMask UI // You should disable this button while the request is pending! await ethereum.request({ method: eth_requestAccounts }); } catch (error) { console.error(error); } }; const MetaMaskClientCheck = () => { //Now we check to see if Metmask is installed if (!isMetaMaskInstalled()) { //If it isnt installed we ask the user to click to install it onboardButton.innerText = Click here to install MetaMask!; //When the button is clicked we call th is function onboardButton.onclick = onClickInstall; //The button is now disabled onboardButton.disabled = false; } else { //If MetaMask is installed we ask the user to connect to their wallet onboardButton.innerText = Connect; //When the button is clicked we call this function to connect the users MetaMask Wallet onboardButton.onclick = onClickConnect; //The button is now disabled onboardButton.disabled = false; } }; //Eth_Accounts-getAccountsButton getAccountsButton.addEventListener(click, async () => { //we use eth_accounts because it returns a list of addresses owned by us. const accounts = await ethereum.request({ method: eth_accounts }); //We take the first address in the array of addresses and display it getAccountsResult.innerHTML = accounts[0] || Not able to get accounts; }); MetaMaskClientCheck(); }; window.addEventListener(DOMContentLoaded, initialize);


您的电子邮箱地址不会被公开。 必填项已用 * 标注

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